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The following fees are listed in New Zealand dollars.  Additional fees may apply for complex cases.  Fees include tax if applicable.


SERVICE TYPE                                                                      SERVICE FEE   


Consultation (During Our Business Hours)                                   $250

Urgent Consultation (Urgent or After Hours)                               $350



Short Consultation (Zoom/Phone Only)                                       $150

Full Consultation (In Person or Zoom/Phone)                            $250


EMPLOYER APPLICATIONS                                                               POA*




Straight to Residence / Work to Residence

Principal applicant                                                                        $3,600


Skilled Migrant Category (Points System)

Principal applicant                                                                        $3,800


Partner of a New Zealander Resident Visa                            $3,600

Price includes one additional work visa if required


Partner of an Expat Permanent Resident Visa                      $4,200

Price includes one additional work visa if required


Dependent Child Resident Visa                                               $3,600

Price includes one additional work visa if required


Permanent Resident Visa

Principal applicant only                                                                   $575

Secondary applicants included (per person)                               $115                                              

Subsequent / Variation Resident Visa

Principal applicant only                                                                   $460

Family application                                                                                 $575


Other Resident Visa Categories                                                      POA*


Secondary Applicants - All Categories Unless Specified

Onshore partner included in application                                  $1,250

Offshore partner included in application                                   $1,750

Onshore child (<17) included in parent's application                 $500

Onshore child (17-24) included in parent's application           $1,000

Offshore dependent child included in application                     POA*


TEMPORARY VISAS - (Family Packages Available)


Partnership Based

Partner of a New Zealander Work/Visitor                                $1,750

Partner of a Worker/Student Work Visa                                   $1,500

Partnership-based General Visitor Visa                                     $1,500


Accredited Employer Work Visa                                                 $1,750

Specific Purpose Work Visa                                                         $1,500


Post-Study Work Visa                                                                   $1,250


Child of a Worker Student/Visitor visa                                         $850


Working Holiday Scheme Work Visa                                            $850

Working Holiday Scheme Work Visa (Extension)                       $575


Full Fee-Paying Student Visa (First)                                            $1,250

Tertiary Student Visa (Subsequent - Same Course)                  $850


General Visitor Visa (Non-partnership-based)                          $1,250

Parent/Grandparent Visitor Visa                                                 $1,250

Other                                                                                                   POA*

Secondary Applicant >17 included in Visitor Visa                       $750

Secondary Applicant <17 included in Visitor Visa                      $500


Our fixed fees include all communication with Immigration New Zealand.  INZ fees and levies, medical certificates, police certificates and translations are not included in our fees.


*POA = Price on application



Our Fees
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